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COVID-19 vaccine tracker, US pre-ordered over 800 million doses Corona vaccine

The US government has advance supply agreements with 5 companies, whose candidate vaccines are among the leading contenders for approval - Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine tracker.

$1.5 Billion US Contract for Covid-19 Vaccine
Moderna Shares Jump on $1.5 Billion US Contract for Covid-19 Vaccine

         The US government has signed $ 1.525 billion agreement with a leading company in the development of corona virus vaccines Moderna to protect 800 million doses of vaccines.

          So far the US government has contracted in advance with a total of five vaccine companies whose candidate vaccines are being considered to be the leading contenders to get approved. This is the second contract with Moderna, which was previously awarded US $ 995 million for technology development to produce a effective vaccine. Moderna uses messenger RNA from the corona virus to build up immunity in the human body. It is noteworthy that the RNA-based vaccine (mRNA-1273) has never been used for any infection.

          Together, the two contracts have given US $ 2.48 billion to Moderna company. An unspecified portion of this money is considered an incentive for timely vaccination, but the company has not released an agreed deadline. The moderna vaccine is in the final stages of human testing, and is expected to be released in early 2021.

          The U.S. government is expected to receive 300 million doses of the vaccine from different companies before January 2021 through Operation Warp Speed. So far the US government has contracted 700 million doses of vaccines with different companies whose candidates are being considered the most likely to get approved. So far, the United States has contracted more than $ 11 billion for the Corona vaccine

Corona vaccine pre-orders by US top 5 Billions
US government has advance supply agreements with 5 companies, whose candidate vaccines are among the leading contenders for approval

Corona vaccine pre-orders by US top 5 Billion

  1. Oxford University and AstraZeneca vaccine (AZD1222- secured 300 million doses for US $1.2 billion
  2. Novavax vaccine (NVX-CoV2373) - secured 100 million doses for US $1.6 billion
  3. Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline collaborated vaccine - secured 100 million doses for US $2.1 billion
  4. Johnson & Johnson vaccine - secured 100 million doses for US $1 billion
  5. Pfizer and BioNtech vaccine (BNT162 a1, b1, b2, c2) - secured 100 million doses for US $1.95 billion

         That means the United States has already contracted a total of 800 million doses of the vaccine for a population of 330 million. Although vaccines developed by all US-contracted vaccine companies may not be successful, the country guarantees that the US agreement will be in advance with whichever company first detects the vaccine

Official Moderna agreement PDF  - Supply Agreement with U.S. Government


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