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US expert Antony Fauci believes half an effective Covid-19 vaccine enough to control pandemic outbreak

The vaccine against COVID-19 will be available by the end of this year and 2021 will be on the safe side told Anthony Fauci, top US infectious disease expert, In an interview with the American news broadcaster PBS

US expert Fauci believes half an effective Covid-19 vaccine enough 1
Samples of  Sputnik V vaccine against the COVID-19 developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow, Russia.

         He said the deadline for getting the vaccine would not be lowered beyond the start of next year. Also added that even half an effective vaccine is enough to bring the world back to normal within a year. Although US President Donald Trump has announced that a vaccine could be developed by November 3, Antony Fauci is of the opinion that it will not be until the beginning of next year that the vaccine reach general public.

         When asked about the Sputnik V vaccine of Russia, the fact that there is a vaccine does not mean that it can be used, it is important to fully consider whether the vaccine is effective, safe or has no side effects.

         Medical ethics are written in blood and you cannot deny it. Allowing a corona virus vaccine before head tests is tantamount to going on the train and putting your head in it, and this calls into question the safety, effectiveness and reliability of the vaccine, the bitter truth is that this politics of vaccination calls into question the safety of the people.

US expert Fauci believes half an effective Covid-19 vaccine enough 2
Covid vaccine will get to Americans in 2021, says US' top infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci

         Russia, however, not only dismissed concerns about the vaccine but also described it as the envy of Western nations. Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed the effectiveness of the vaccine and said one of his daughters was given the drug and felt 
better afterwards.

         The country plans to develop a large-scale vaccine in October. Moscow's plan would pave the way for other governments to go behind the vaccine with the aim of developing a vaccine without proper testing, endangering public safety.

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